DemocraAI 2023a: The 3rd International Workshop on Democracy and AI Jakarta, Indonesia, November 16, 2023 |
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Submission deadline | September 1, 2023 |
The 3rd International Workshop on Democracy & AI, Jakarta, Indonesia November 16, 2023
in Conjunction with PRICAI 2023 & Sponsored by the Kyoto University and Mie University, Japan
Call for Papers
Submission system opens: June 1, 2023
Deadline for Paper Submissions: September 1st, 2023, Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
Program Chairs
Dr. Takayuki Ito, Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
Dr. Jawad Haqbeen, Assistant Professor, Kyoto University, Japan,
Dr. Shun Okuhara, Assistant Professor, Mie University, Japan
Dr. Shiyao Ding, Assistant Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
On behalf of the Workshop Executive Committee, we take great pleasure in inviting you to plan on submitting a paper, panel, extended abstract, or big idea (lightning keynote talks) in the 3rd International Workshop on Democracy & AI. We would urge you to encourage your graduate students and colleagues to participate in this opportunity to showcase their work to interdiciplinary group of researchers while enjoying Jakarta hospitality.
Workshop Theme: Togatherness in the unstable world: Conversational AI & Social Solidarity
The world is currently facing increased volatility, primarily due to ongoing geopolitical instabilities that pose significant threats to international democracy and peace. In these uncertain times, collective civic involvement is considered to be of utmost importance. As a result, online discussion platforms are emerging as the next-generation platforms for democratic human communication. Human communication is considered to be the hearth of democracy, and democracy is often called, as government by equal citizens participation and discussions. These platforms provide individuals with the opportunity to come together from anywhere and discuss their common concerns at any time.
To effectively address the challenges posed by human communication, particularly problem solving conversation, it is essential to leverage the power of AI to foster conversational democracy. This workshop will explore how AI research can contribute to solving challenging problems by current-day communities. For example, what role can AI play in promoting conversational democracy? Specifically, this workshop studies literature in three distinct areas: (i) the impact of AI on democracy as a meaningful conversation; (ii) the importance of automated facilitation and decision-making methodologies and tools in social platforms; and (iii) the importance of experiments in democracy and its social impact.
What have we learned and researched about AI & Democratic Social Solidarity during the past 20 years? Please submit your papers on how our communities are experiencing AI developments, best practices, and/or lessons learned.
Papers will also be accepted on the major AI and Social Science themes, including, but not limited to, Humanities and Democracy, Generative AI, Conversaational AI, AI Ethics, Data Analytics, Multi-agent Systems, Decision Support, AI, Internet of Things, and Big Data. We also call for research and demostration papers that address Sustaiable Development Goals (SDGs) and role of AI on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
For more information, refer to the conference website:
Full-length papers up to 7 pages long, short papers up to 4 pages long, extended abstracts (300-1000 words), panel proposals, and kenote talk proposals are welcome. All submitted papers will be reviewed by qualified individuals through a double-blind peer-review process. Acceptance of papers and abstracts are subject to final approval by the Program Committee. Accepted papers, short papers, extended abstracts, panels, workshops, and kenote talk proposals of authors who have registered for the conference by the close of online registration will be scheduled for presentation at the workshop. Presented papers and abstracts will be published in the Local Proceedings. The authors will keep the copyright.
Paper submission acknowledges that the author(s) will register for and attend the PRICAI 2023 conference and personally present the accepted paper at the time specified in the workshop program.
Submission Policy
The submission of a paper or abstract means the author certifies it is not copyrighted, has not been accepted for publication in a journal or proceedings, has not been presented at another professional meeting, has not been accepted for presentation at another professional meeting, and is not under review for a journal, proceedings, or presentation at another professional meeting. Concurrent submission and/or presentation of the same or similar paper at another conference is considered a breach of professional ethics. PRICAI 2023 has submission policy accessible at
Program Participation
Paper reviewers and session chairs are needed for the program to be a success. Please contact Jawad Haqbeen (jawad.haqbeen [at] by August 15th, 2023, if you are interested in serving as keynote speaker, panalist on Demoracy or AI session, session chair or reviewer. Authors who submit papers should expect to be asked to review at least one paper for the conference.
Distinguished Paper Awards
Distinguished paper awards will be presented to outstanding papers including an award for the best crowd award that incorporates the Workshop theme "Togetherness in the unstable World: Conversational AI & Social Solidarity". The award is selected base on Workshp attendees' decisioins. For more information please see link below:
Distinguished papers will also be invited for submission to the KICSS 2023 Conference.
Please contact Jawad Haqbeen (jawad.haqbeen [at] if you have any questions or requests.