F2MDays'25: Franco-Morocain Mathematics days - 2nd Edition Faculty of Sciences Tetouan, Morocco, May 13-16, 2025 |
Conference website | http://www.f2mdays.uae.ma |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=f2mdays25 |
Abstract registration deadline | March 20, 2025 |
Submission deadline | March 20, 2025 |
The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences, Tétouan, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, is pleased to announce the organization of the second edition of the international congress “Franco-Moroccan Mathematics Days (F2MDays'25)”. This event is jointly organized with the Laboratory of Analysis, Geometry and Applications (LAGA), Sorbonne Paris Nord University. It will take place from May 13 to 16, 2025, at the Faculty of Sciences, Tétouan.
This scientific congress provides researchers with the opportunity to explore the latest advancements in mathematical research. Through its workshops and plenary sessions, participants will have the chance to enhance their skills in scientific mediation and strengthen their understanding of complex mathematical concepts. Additionally, the congress promotes the dissemination of high-quality research, thereby contributing to the advancement of Mathematics worldwide. This scientific meeting will not only reinforce the bonds between the French and Moroccan mathematical communities but also will play a key role in advancing Mathematics on an international scale.
The mathematics community is warmly invited to take part in this prestigious event. Outstanding contributions will be considered for publication in internationally indexed journals, as part of the call for papers open to mathematical researchers.
Please visit. https://f2mdays.uae.ma
Submission Guidelines
Please use the conference template to prepare your abstract (both .tex and .pdf files) and submit it via the EasyChair link. Full papers may be submitted to one of our partner journals after the oral presentation has been delivered.
F2MDays'25 template is available on the conference website.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline: March 10, 2025
- Notification to authors: April 14, 2025
- Early registration deadline: April 30, 2025
- Conference dates: May 13–16, 2025
- Full paper submission deadline: June 15, 2025
List of Topics and Minisymposiums
Algebra, Functional Analysis and Applications
Chairs: Z. Aznay, F. Chabbabi and S. Moussaoui, UAE
Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning
Chairs: M. El Annass, A. El Ouissari and F. Harchli, UAE
Nonlinear Analysis and Applications
Chairs: B. El Haji, M. Lahrouz and A. Moujahid, UAE
Numerical Analysis and Optimization
Chairs: I. Jamiai, B. Jarmouni and H. Zitane, UAE
Statistics, Probability, and Operational Research
Chairs: A. Abou-bakre, N. Lanjri and M. Marzougue, UAE
Pedagogical Innovation and Development of Teaching
Chairs: E. M. Delgadillo, E. Janvresse and L. Vivier, UPD
Keynote Speakers
Nour Eddine Alaa, UCA
El Houssine Azroul, USMBA
Mostafa Bendahmane, BU
Igor Chollet, USPN
Élisse Janvresse, PJVU
Olivier Lafitte, USPN
Lahcen Maniar, UCA
Elizabeth Montoya Delgadillo, PCUV-Chili
Benoit Rittaud, USPN
Laurent Vivier, UPD
Honorary Committee
Boucheta EL Moumni, President of Abdelmalek Essaadi University, UAE
Nathalie Charnaux, President of Sorbonne Paris Nord University, USPN
Jamila El Alami, Head of CNRST
Mostafa Stitou, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, UAE
Bruno Manil, Head of Galilée Institute, USPN,
Scientific Committee
Chairs: Olivier Lafitte, USPN, and Hatem Zaag, USPN
Zine El Abidine Abdelali, UM5
Nour Eddine Alaa, UCA
Aziz Alaoui, UHN
El Houssine Azroul, USMBA
Sami Baraket, U.Tunis El Manar
Youssef Belhamadia, UA Sharjah
Mohamed Badr Benboubker, USMBA
Mostafa Bendahmane, BU
Fayssal Benkhaldoun, USPN
Marcelo Moreira Cavalcanti, UEM Brazil
Abdeslam Hafid Bentbib, UCA
Amal Bergam, UAE
El Wahbi Bouazza, UIT
Hakim Boumaza, USPN
Igor Chollet, USPN
Abdellatif El Afia, UM5
Mofdi El Amrani, UAE
Abdellatif El Ghazi, UIR
Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui, Euromed
Christian Mercat, CBLU
Mohamed El Merouani, UAE
Khalil Ezzinbi, UCA
Abdelilah Hakim, UCA
Zakia Hammouch, UMI
Élisse Janvresse, PVJU
Bastien Mallein, USPN
Lahcen Maniar, UCA
Elizabeth Montoya Delgadillo, PCUV-Chili
Zoubida Mghazli, UIT
Benoit Rittaud, USPN
Mohamed Rhoudaf, UMI
Mohamed Seaid, UD England
Mustapha Serhani, UMI
Mohamed Shadi, UHW-Edinburgh
Philippe Souplet, USPN
Chakir Tajani, UAE
Laurent Vivier, UPD
Naji Yebari, UAE
Shengda Zeng, CNU China
Abderrahim Zertiti, UAE
Abdelhak Zoglat, UM5
Technical Program Committee
Chairs: Bouchaib Ferrahi, UAE, and Hassane Hjiaj, UAE
Abdelallah Abou-Bakre, UAE
Younes Abou El Hanoune, UAE
Soumaya Afilal, UAE
Zakaria Aznay, UAE
Achraf Badahmane, UM6P
Anouar Ben-Loghfyry, UH2
Anass Bouchriti, EMSI
Fadil Chabbabi, UAE
Abderrahim Charkaoui, UH1
Mohammad Cherkaoui, UAE
Mohamed Dakkoun, UAE
Btissam Dkhissi, UAE
Mohamed Ekdiha, UAE
Abdessamad El Alami, UMI
Monir El Annas, UAE
Aouatif El Biari, UAE
Badr El Haji, UAE
Othmane El Moize, UAE
Mostafa El Moumni, UCD
Abdellah El Fellahi, UAE
Youness El Yazidi, UAE
Aziz Haddi, UAE
Abdellatif El Ouissari, UAE
Rachid El Oulaimi, UAE
Fidae Harchli, UAE
Ismail Jamiai, UAE
Brahim Jarmouni, UAE
Mohamed Lahrouz, UAE
Sefian Mohamed Lamarti, UAE
Noureddine Lanjri Zaidi, UAE
Adel Louly, UAE
Mohamed Louzari, UAE
Hassan Marhnine, CRMEF-Tanger
Mohamed Marzougue, UAE
Mounir Mekkour, USMBA
Abdelaziz Moujahid, UAE
Soufiane Mezroui, UAE
Sanae Moussaoui, UAE
Abdessamad Ousaadane, UMI
Abdellatif Sadrati, UMI
Samir Tallay, UAE
Chihab Yazough, USMBA
Chafika Zarhouti, CRMEF-Tanger
Hanae Zitane, UAE
Communication and Sponsorship Committee
Chairs: Youness El Yazidi, UAE, and Adil Louly, UAE
Local arrangements
PhD students, junior committee
F2MDays'25 proceedings will be available via the conference website and selected papers may be submitted to partner journals.
Faculty of Sciences in Tetouan