IIIE25: Imagining Interiors - Interior Educators 2025 Edinburgh College of Art Edinburgh, UK, November 13-14, 2025 |
Conference website | https://imagining-interiors.eca.ed.ac.uk/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iiie25 |
Submission deadline | February 28, 2025 |
The Edinburgh College of Art’s Interior Design department is delighted to host the 2025 Interior Educators Conference – Imagining Interiors
‘Imagining Interiors’ is a deliberately ambiguous title, that can refer both to the process of making things up, creating, dreaming, describing and so on; and also, more literally, to the activity of making images.
In The Emergence of the Interior (2008) the interior historian Charles Rice writes of the ‘doubleness’ of the designed interior – both as a space to be occupied, and an image to be contemplated. Seventeen years on, in a world saturated by images imagined by machines, what might that doubleness actually mean? What opportunities might it present to people who design, build, and occupy – imagine – interiors?
This conference invites contributions that re-imagine interiors – that is, what interiors might be, as practice or product. These re-imaginings will be of interest to the designers, historians and theorists of interiors and to those who study its representation (imagination) in film, fiction, journalism or other media.
We invite contributions in the form of papers that might be spoken and written, and images that can be imagined and exhibited.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All submissions must include;
- An image, which, if selected, will join the conference exhibition. This image might be produced by the author, or by others (for example historic images), but the author should possess reproduction rights through exhibition, online, and in publication. While the finally exhibited image may exist in any medium agreed, this submission should be submitted as a PDF of a single image, and no larger than A3/10MB, at a resolution that will enable its proper examination by reviewers.
- 300-word abstract.
- 50-word author biography.
We invite authors to state the desired format of their final submission as:
- Option 1 : Conference presentation + paper of 3000 words + image for exhibition
- Option 2 : Image and abstract only, to be included in conference exhibition.
Contributions will be selected through double blind peer review. Authors of accepted abstracts and images will be invited to submit a full paper of 3000 words and/or finalised images for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Feedback from the abstract review is expected to inform this final submission.
Organising Committee
- Ed Hollis
- Dave Loder
- Gina Olsson
- Andy Siddall
- Rachel Simmonds
- Gillian Treacy
Scientific committee
Richard Anderson University of Edinburgh Glaire Anderson University of Edinburgh Paramita Atmodiwijro Universitas Indonesia Suzie Attiwill RMIT University Susanne Bauer University of Westminster Mark Dorrian University of Edinburgh Carola Ebert Berlin International University of Applied Sciences David Grinly Stills: Cantre for Photography Naomi House Middlesex University Paul Kerlaff Edinburgh Napier University Fiona McLachlan University of Edinburgh Andy Milligan University of Dundee Belinda Mitchell University of Portsmouth Digger Nutter Glasgow School of Art Bie Plevoets Hasselt University Orit Sarfatti Oxford Brookes University Ro Spankie University of Westminster Lois Weinthal Toronto Metropolitan University
The conference will be held at Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh
All questions about submissions should be emailed to imagining.interiors@ed.ac.uk