![]() | CCTT 2024: 15th Colombian Conference on Transportation and Traffic "La movilidad es una nota" Universidad de Ibagué Ibagué, Colombia, August 14-16, 2024 |
Conference website | https://cctt.unibague.edu.co |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cctt2024 |
Poster | download |
Abstract registration deadline | November 30, 2023 |
Submission deadline | November 30, 2023 |
The 15th Colombian Conference on Traffic and Transportation (CCTT 2024)
CCTT 2024 will be held in Ibagué (Colombia). The host university will be the Universidad de Ibagué (UNIBAGUÉ), Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (UCC) and Universidad del Tolima(UT). The CCTT 2024 is promoted by the Academic Mobility Network (RAM), a collaborative, non-profit scientific network that brings together researchers, university professors, and independent workgroups linked to universities and institutions related to transportation, infrastructure, mobility, and related areas.The event will be from August 14th to 16th, 2024.
You are welcome to send your extended abstract in the following areas:
- Mobility and transportation policy, planning and management
- Active mobility, micromobility and mobility as a service (MaaS)
- Innovation in transportation infrastructure and services
- Social innovation in transportation and mobility
- Energy transition and sustainability
- Mobility safety and equity
- Land development, linear landscapes and urban landscapes
- Logistics and Interurban and rural transportation
The extended abstracts will follow a double-blinded review for their approval and should follow these guidelines:
- The word count should be maximum 4 pages including figures, tables and references
- Use the official congress template avalable in cctt.unibague.edu.co
- The abstract should include the main objectives of the research, scope, methodology, results, and conclusions
- The extended abstract should include an introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, and references.
- The manuscript should be prepared on Letter-sized paper with 25 mm margins on all sides and typed with single spacing using size 10 Arial font.
- We accept submissions in English and Spanish
Platform opening to submit extended papers, September 1st, 2023.
The due date to submit extended papers is November 30th 2023
All questions about submissions should be emailed to cctt2024@unibague.edu.co or juan.zuluaga@unibague.edu.co