Constructive Alignment in the Teaching-Learning Process: Suggestions on How to Face It Responsibly.
EasyChair Preprint 6714
10 pages•Date: September 28, 2021Abstract
The bad results achieved in the acquisition of knowledge, in the development of skills and above all, in the result of
the exams, are in most of the cases considered as the students´ fault, because no matter how much they are taught,
by using the most innovative and interesting strategies (in the teachers´ opinion), they definitely do not learn. Is that
really the case? It is true that the expected results in the teaching-learning process are not always attained, but is it
exclusively the students´ fault what they do wrong or what they fail to do? How much is their fault for their failure?
How responsible are teachers for it? How well are the components of the process chosen and aligned? Despite what
is planned in educational institutions as preparation from the methodological point of view, it is untrue that all
teachers follow adequately the didactic, pedagogical and methodological procedures that would guarantee a deep
learning and not a superficial or strategic one on the part of the students. The article aims at highlighting what
constructive alignment is and what it is for; making emphasis on what learning approaches are and the types that
exist; how these approaches should be encouraged or eradicated, as the case may be, in the daily pedagogical work
as well as how to manage them in teaching terms for achieving good results, as expected in the evaluation process.
The methods Historical-logical, Analytical-Synthetic and Documentary Analysis were used to prepare the paper.
Keywords: Constructive-Alignment; Learning approaches; Evaluative process; Procedures, Teaching-learning process
Keyphrases: Evaluative process, constructive alignment, learning approaches, procedures, teaching-learning process