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Insecticidal Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Three Plants (Ocimum Gratissimum, Alstonia Boonei and Nauclea Latifolia) on Termite Predators of Cassava in the Agboville Region (Ivory Coast).

EasyChair Preprint no. 11187

17 pagesDate: October 28, 2023


Cassava is one of the main tuberous root crops in Africa, producing several varieties of food products. However, termites cause serious damage to the crop, resulting in considerable loss of production. The most widespread method is the use of synthetic insecticides, which represent a real risk to living organisms and the environment. In the search for alternatives to these chemical insecticides, this study, carried out in the department of Agboville, aims to evaluate the insecticidal effect of aqueous extracts of three plants: Ocimum gratissimum, Nauclea latifolia and Alstonia boonei in cassava plots. The experimental set-up is a Fisher block of 5 treatments (3 extracts, pyriforce, untreated control) with three replicates. Each plant extract was dosed at 100g/L, and pyriforce (the reference product) at 480g/ha. Results on the effect of treatments on attacks confirmed the efficacy of pyriforce on termite pests of cassava. The Ocimum gratissimum treatment proved more effective against termites, with a lower termite attack rate (27.78%) and significantly different from that of the untreated control (66.66%). Treatments with Alstonia boonei and Nauclea latifolia, with respective attack rates of 54.33% 44.44%, proved less effective against termites. Furthermore, the insecticidal effect of these plant extracts over a 4-moth period diminished with. The contact toxicity test carried out in the laboratory on Ancistrotermes sp., most aggressive termite species on cassava, confirmed the efficacy of Ocimum gratissimum. However, further studies are needed to better understand the anti-termite properties of this plant, with a view to its use by farmers.

Keyphrases: Agboville, extrait aqueux, plantes insecticides, Termites, toxicité

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Oro Anne Nathalie Nando and Yao Kan Séraphin Diby and Ténon Coulibaly and Akpa Alexandre Moise Akpesse and Philippe Kouassi},
  title = {Insecticidal Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Three Plants (Ocimum Gratissimum, Alstonia Boonei and Nauclea Latifolia) on Termite Predators of Cassava in the Agboville Region (Ivory Coast).},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 11187},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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