Download PDFOpen PDF in browserOn Intellectual Property in Online Open Innovation for SME by Means of Blockchain and SmartcontractsEasyChair Preprint 618112 pages•Date: July 30, 2021AbstractIntellectual Property issues (IP) is a concern that refrains companies to cooperate in whatever of Open Innovation (OI) processes. Particularly, SME consider open innovation as uncertain, risky processes. Despite the opportunities that online OI platforms offer, SMEs have so far failed to embrace them, and proved reluctant to OI. We intend to find whether special collaborative spaces that facilitate a sort of preventive idea claiming, explicit claiming evolution of defensive publication, as so far patents and publications for prevailing innovation, can be the right complementary instruments in OI as to when stronger IP protection regimes might drive openness by SME in general. These spaces, which we name NIR (Networking Innovation Rooms), are a practical, smart paradigm to boost OI for SME. There users sign smart contracts as NDA which takes charge of timestamping any IP disclosure or creation and declares what corrective actions (if they might apply) might be taken for unauthorised IP usage or disclosure of any of the NDA signers. With Blockchain, a new technology emerges which enables decentralised, fine-grained IP management for OI. Keyphrases: Blockchain, Open Innovation, smart contracts Download PDFOpen PDF in browser |