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Design of Electrification for Housing Society

EasyChair Preprint no. 13982

6 pagesDate: July 15, 2024


The rapid growth of the Gulshanabad cooperative society has led to an increasing demand for reliable and efficient electricity supply. Currently sourcing electricity from IESCO, the society faces challenges due to inconsistent information regarding the existing infrastructure and increasing population. With plans to develop a new sector (Sector IV), there exists an urgent need for a comprehensive electrification design tailored to the society’s evolving needs. In collaboration with ABREEC Consultant Pvt Ltd, multiple site visits were conducted to gather essential data and assess the existing conditions. This project aims to formulate a detailed electrification design for the new sector, incorporating modern technologies and best practices to ensure a sustainable, resilient, and cost-effective electricity distribution system. The report presented herein outlines the findings, recommendations, and proposed a solution to address the electrification requirements of the Gulshanabad cooperative society, paving the way for future development and expansion while meeting the growing energy demands of its residents. The solution includes Load assessment,mounting plan, cost estimation,Load flow analysis via ETAP software, H.T/L.T drawings and implementation of Machine Learning.

Keyphrases: Cost Estimation, electrification, ETAP software, H.T/L.T lines, Housing Society, Load assessment, LSTM, machine learning, Power distribution., RNN

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Noor Naseer and M Jamal Akram and Hammad Mahmood and Muhammad Yaseen},
  title = {Design of Electrification for Housing Society},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 13982},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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