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Study on the Light and Shadow Narrative Strategies in Children'S Outdoor Playgrounds: a Case Study of Archie Nature-Friendly Park

EasyChair Preprint no. 13756

9 pagesDate: July 2, 2024


In the age of inventory and accelerated urbanization, children's outdoor space has also been compressed, and the proportion of space designed from children's perspective in urban construction and landscape design is very small. In this context, how to create a fun and educational outdoor space for children to play at night in the limited outdoor space has become an urgent problem to be solved nowadays. As an emerging design technique, light and shadow narrative provides new ideas for the design of children's outdoor amusement parks. In this paper, we will take Achilles nature-friendly amusement park as an example to explore the light and shadow narrative strategy of children's outdoor amusement park. The main target of the study is children aged 1-14 years old, and through in-depth research on children's behavioral and psychological laws, we understand their needs and preferences in outdoor light environments. Combining theory and practice, this study organically integrates the artistic expression of children's theater lighting, the professional skills of outdoor light environment design, the cutting-edge research results of children's literary narrative theory, and the innovative concept of spatial narrative into the theoretical framework of light and shadow narrative, providing comprehensive theoretical guidance for children's outdoor amusement parks to build creative and engaging light and shadow narratives. This study innovatively proposes to evaluate and adjust the light and shadow narrative strategy by visualizing the narrative and emotional fluency through the user journey map with the method of "service design". AIGC tools (Midjourney and Runway) are also utilized to assist in rendering the design video to improve design efficiency. This study aims to construct an outdoor light and shadow narrative playground that meets children's vision, promotes the construction of child-friendly cities, and enriches the diversity of children's outdoor activities.

Keyphrases: AIGC, Children's amusement park, design strategy, Light environment design, space narrative

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Tianke He and Xiaoxi Liu},
  title = {Study on the Light and Shadow Narrative Strategies in Children'S Outdoor Playgrounds: a Case Study of Archie Nature-Friendly Park},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 13756},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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